
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Believe in Yourself

Sarah Kate Snyder is a talented businesswoman who runs an award-winning marketing and design business, Studio Snyder. She’s responsible for the amazing design-work you see when you visit sites like MMD Events and Pizzazzerie (SK, I visit this site all the time…the Little Red Riding Hood party is my new favorite!). She’s definitely a woman to watch. And, she has one of our favorite messages this week: believe in yourself!

Name: Sarah Kate Snyder   

Business Name: Studio Snyder       
Where are you from: Tampa, FL
Where do you live now: Washington, D.C.

HC: Tell us about how your business fulfills you and your dreams. 
Sarah Kate: I enjoy balancing creative direction, business development and project management alongside my family and personal goals.

HC: Tell us about your lifelong dream.
Sarah Kate: Although I have many long-term goals, I wouldn’t classify any of them as a lifelong dream. Rather, I strive each day to be better – as a designer, as a wife, as a Christian, and as a friend – with the faith that each day’s challenges will offer unique opportunities for growth.

HC: Most difficult obstacle you had to overcome to do what you love?
Sarah Kate: Taking the leap from a stable full-time job to the unknown world of self-employment was incredibly difficult yet exhilarating at the same time.

HC: Advice to others who might find themselves in similar situations?
Sarah Kate: Know your craft, know your numbers, believe in yourself and your business will thrive. It’s really that simple.

HC: What’s the most rewarding aspect of your professional life?
Sarah Kate: Partnering with clients who are wholeheartedly invested in their businesses, and working with them to expand their brands through print and online media.

HC: How do you balance family and work?
Sarah Kate: One day at a time – and never perfectly! Even though I stick to a general work schedule I think it’s important to take advantage of the flexibility in self-employment. It is crucial for me to be fully present in either set of surroundings, and to not carry guilt for choosing one over the other.

HC: What motivates you to work harder?
Sarah Kate: The incredible support of my family, friends and colleagues is both humbling and motivating.

HC: Tell us about a role model in your life?
Sarah Kate: I was blessed to watch each of my parents build a successful business yet never miss a single moment while my brother and I were growing up. Their profound capability, as both business owners and as parents, is remarkable and I hope to someday be as versatile with a family of my own.

HC: Tell me about a role model who you have yet to meet?
Sarah Kate: While I admire several public figures for their exquisite tastes (Carolyne Roehm), insightful designs (Michael Bierut) and refined sensibilities (Emily Post), I cannot classify anyone as a full-blown role model whose character I do not personally know. I deeply respect each of them within their chosen fields, however, and I would love the opportunity to meet those who are still living.

Is there someone who motivates and inspires you? Who would you like to see profiled on the HappyCrawlers’ blog? Email us at: hello@HappyCrawlers.com with your recommendations. Happy travels!

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